August Updates


The Discerning Brute- Joshua Katcher is a busy man, or should we say, has been busier then his usual self. He has announced an Online store that is named Brave GentleMan and will be teaming up with chefs for a bi-weekly dinner event called Gracious Gourmand. The first chef is New Paltz's own Lagusta Yearwood. From what we can tell, it is somewhat akin to 4-Course Vegan. The menu changes each event and it's aim is to "challenge ordinary perceptions and preparations of fine food, expose visionary talent, and celebrate conscientious hedonism."

Blossom- The Duo who brought you Blossom have split-up but are still expanding vegan foods around the city. Besides the previous mentioned Blossom To Go shop, now christened Blossom Du Jour, Ronen Seri will be opening a vegan tapas bar, V-Note, in the former space of Blossom Bistro at 1522 First Avenue between 79th and 80th.